In recent years, many of us had no option but to work from home for a period of time, as a result of the pandemic. A benefit to emerge from that shift, however, is that the concept of working from home has transitioned from a luxury to a mainstream practice […]
Author: JoshSmith
Goal Setting and Accomplishment: Your Guide for New Year and Beyond

As we stand on the precipice of another New Year’s Eve, a time traditionally earmarked for reflection and aspirations, let’s explore how to make goal setting a powerful tool in our lives. Of course, it’s important to note that while setting New Years resolutions is an important tradition, the art […]
Scrapbooking Solitude: Crafting Memories from the Comfort of Home

In the quiet corners of a homebound retreat, the art of scrapbooking emerges not just as a creative outlet but as a comforting balm for the soul. Isolation, while challenging, presents us with the unique opportunity to pause and reflect, to sift through the trove of memories we’ve collected over […]
Stay connected and entertained with multiplayer online board games

In these times of isolation, finding ways to maintain our social connections and keep our minds active is more important than ever. Thankfully, we live in an era where technology offers an abundance of solutions. If you’re feeling a little disconnected or simply yearning for a fun way to engage […]
Isolation Innovation: Simple Home Improvement Projects to Boost Value and Wellness

If you do find yourself at home, navigating a prolonged isolation, or working to improve your work-life balance, it’s important to remain both mentally and physically active. While this period may be challenging, it also presents a unique opportunity to transform our living spaces into something we love. It’s time […]
Delicious pantry meals on a budget

Is the pantry looking a bit sparse, or are you having to prepare meals while at home alone? Don’t worry! We’ve curated three delicious recipes that you can make at home with simple, budget-friendly ingredients that are usually found within most pantries. There’s no need for fancy tools or complicated […]
Keeping kids busy with fun activities while at home

Are you a parent or guardian struggling to keep your kids entertained while they’re stuck at home? May of us have been there, and while it can be tough to simultaneously support the child’s health and wellbeing, while also making the experience as enriching as possible, don’t worry, we’ve got […]
Resources to help your children learn at home

It seems as though the entire world has been thrust into some form of a distance education, home-schooling or other learning@home structure in early 2020, as different countries around the world battle the spread of the new coronavirus. The rapid onset of this change has come as a shock to […]
Join an isolation-related social media craze

Viral social media challenges come and go over the years, but there are a few gems borne from the self-deprecating humor that has come to define people’s reaction to the COVID-19 crisis. These could have the legs required to last beyond this unusual period, as they are good-spirited and highly […]
How to make your own hand sanitiser

Stores in many parts of the world are still running low on supplies of several staple products as a result of coronavirus-related stockpiling behavior. One of the items that has been hard to acquire – except at exorbitant prices – is hand sanitizer. While a number of distilleries have been […]
Whether you're looking for home schooling resources, fitness tips or craft ideas, you've come to the right place! Enjoy, and be well.